Alligator FAQ
One of the best-kept ingredients in America can be found in the fertile swamplands of the South. Alligator is quickly becoming a prized ingredient in restaurants throughout the country, but battling these flavorful reptiles at home can be a bit of an uphill battle.

Clams FAQ
If you crave seafood but live far from the coast, there’s nothing quite like the taste of tender meat from a saltwater clam. Clams are popularly eaten as a Christmas delicacy, but they are also used as an ingredient in international cuisines.

Crab FAQ
Crab legs deliver a rich, sweet meat that is ideal for entertaining or special occasions. Cooking them, however, can be tricky.

Crawfish FAQ
Crawfish are known by many names – crayfish, crawdads, freshwater lobsters, mudbugs, and yabbies, just to name a few. These small, lobster-like crustaceans are a popular treat in many countries throughout the world.

Frog Legs FAQ
Frogs are intrinsically associated with French cuisine, but they are also a very popular delicacy throughout the world. Peoples throughout South America, North America, and Southeastern Europe enjoy these little amphibians as hors d'œuvres or main courses.

Lobster FAQ
Lobster is certainly one of life’s simplest pleasures, but cooking lobster is an art form. If you have any questions about lobsters, you may just find the answer you’re looking for in our selection of Frequently Asked Questions.

Oyster FAQ
Whether raw, grilled, fried, or wrapped in bacon, oysters can be eaten just about any way you can imagine. These scrumptious mollusks have been beloved for centuries, and they have been rumored to fuel romantic escapades.

Scallops FAQ
Deliciously sweet and tender, the sea scallop is a favorite of seafood lovers throughout the world. These scrumptious bivalve mollusks are a sustainable seafood option for anyone who needs an eco-friendly alternative to poultry, meat, or even fish.

Shrimp FAQ
Whether baked, boiled, deep-fried, grilled, roasted, or sautéed, shrimp makes a wonderful snack or main course for anyone who loves seafood. With such succulent meat, it’s no surprise why shrimp is a delicacy throughout the world.